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Your organic specialist company for Ayurveda and other natural products based in Switzerland
Ksheerabala Thailam is a traditional Ayurvedic massage oil , which is known for its diverse properties and therapeutic applications. It has its origins in Ayurvedic medicine, a holistic form of therapy that aims to balance the body, mind and soul. Ksheerabala Thailam has many uses and offers numerous benefits for health and well-being.
manufacturing process
The Ksheerabala Thailam Ayurveda massage oil, like the other Ayurveda oils from Ayurveda Paradise, was made according to traditional recipes from ancient Ayurveda scriptures. The oil was boiled by hand for three to four days and then reheated over a wood fire. This careful process serves to improve the energetic quality of the oil.
Traditionally produced Ayurveda massage oil
Das braune Glas absorbiert die meiste ultraviolette Strahlung und schützt somit das Produkt vor Lichteinfall und hilft dabei die Essenz von natürlichen Produkten zu erhalten.
Ksheerabala Thailam: Ayurvedic massage oil
Ksheerabala Thailam is a traditional Ayurvedic massage oil made from a careful combination of herbs and high-quality oils. It has a long history in Ayurvedic medicine and is valued for its multiple health benefits.
Main ingredients:
Ksheerabala Thailam is traditionally used for Abhyanga massages, where the oil is gently massaged into the skin. It is recommended to preheat the oil to maximize its effect. Discover our Oil heater with candle without electricityThe oil does not overheat. Depending on individual needs, it can be used daily or several times a week.
Ksheerabala Thailam is a valuable tool in Ayurvedic practice that promotes well-being and health. Through the combination of multiple influences of herbs, high-quality plant oils and traditional preparation, it not only offers physical benefits but also helps promote inner balance and relaxation. Use the power of Ayurvedic medicine to bring body and mind into harmony.
Retailers Therapists Discount
Registered retailers and therapists benefit from an exclusive special discount of at least 30% on Ayurveda Paradies products. Register todayto benefit from this advantage.
Lassen Sie sich von einem Ayurveda Therapeuten beraten.
Die Ayurveda-Lehre empfiehlt, die Öl-Massage täglich durchzuführen. Man kann
sich auch selber massieren. Wichtig ist vor allem die Massage der Kopfhaut und
der Füsse, so wird das Wohlbefinden im ganzen Körper gesteigert. Die Temperatur
des Öls sollte über 36 Grad sein.
Das Ayurveda Paradies™ ist der Schweizer Onlineshop für authentische Ayurveda-Produkte und weitere Naturprodukte. Erwarten Sie geprüfte und einzigartige Produkte, die von Ayurveda Mediziner*Innen, Therapeuten und Heilpraktiker empfohlen werden. Für Fragen kontaktieren Sie uns gerne online.
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