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Gokshura Churna an Ayurvedic food supplement, plant powder with secondary plant substances from the Gokshura fruit. The Churna consists of the plant parts specified in the Ayurvedic texts and has been processed according to Ayurvedic guidelines. Only high-quality raw materials from sustainable cultivation are used. Purely herbal preparation without fillers or additives.
Ayurveda properties
Gokshura, also Gokshur or Gokharu or puncture vine, family Zygophyllaceae
As early as 200 AD, Vatsyayana Kamasutra by Mallanaga wrote texts in which Gokshura was mentioned as well as in the ancient classical Ayurvedic texts and Chinese medicine such as flavonoids, flavonol glycosides, steroidal sapnins and alkaloids.
Gokshura profile
Gokshur (Sanskrit) is also commonly known as puncture vine, land (or small) kaltrops (English)
There was hardly anyone who didn't know the book, at least by name. Gokshura thus became known in Europe, even though the small plant only grows in tropical and subtropical regions.
However, Gokshura is not mentioned in Hindu mythology, which is surprising. Only in parts of India, Gokshura is used as an offering to the gods during Dashahara (celebration in India).
According to the description in the ancient classical Ayurveda texts, Gokshura is sweet in taste and cooling. It calms Vata and Pitta. The ground herbal powder is traditionally taken with milk or water or used as a spice.
With us you can Buy Goskhura Churna and it is delivered from Switzerland.
2x täglich 1g Pulver (ein Messlöffel) in warmes Wasser einrühren und trinken.
Die Tagesverzehrmenge von 2g Pflanzenpulver enthält 12 mg Polyphenole.
Die angegebene empfohlene tägliche Verzehrmenge darf nicht überschritten werden.
Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sollten nicht als Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung, sowie eine gesunde Lebensweise verwendet werden. Trocken und kühl aufbewahren, nicht dem direkten Sonnenlicht aussetzen, nicht im Kühlschrank lagern. Ausserhalb der Reichweite von Kindern lagern.
Lat. Tribulus terrestris, dt. Erdsternchen
Die Tagesverzehrmenge von 2g Pflanzenpulver enthält 12 mg Polyphenole
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